Video, Full HD, Stereo, 5min 58 sec. © 2015
Video, Full HD, Stereo, 5min 58 sec. © 2015
Racconto polifonico.
Liquido scorre libero su parole secondarie. Livelli si rincorrono sovrapponendosi, gli eventi si giustificano, si cancellano, fino alla prossima volta. Fino al prossimo consumo Giocondo sembra il tempo del ricordo da cui nasce l'assordante seme del presente. Le immagini parlano nel silenzio delle parole mai pronunciate. La questione della realtà. Cosa succede ogni giorno, davanti ai nostri occhi chiusi. Assordare le orecchie, riducendo il livello di coscienza a un unico brano violento e incomprensibile. Se questa è l'offerta alla carta alziamo i calici e brindiamo! Alla Salute! |
Polyphonic tale.
Liquid flows free on secondary words.
Levels chase each other overlapping each other, events are justified, canceled,
until the next time.
Until the next consumption
Playful it seems the time of the memory from which the deafening seed of the present is born.
The images speak in the silence of the never pronounced words.
The matter of reality.
What happens every day, in front of our closed eyes.
Deafening the ears, reducing the level of consciousness to a single violent and incomprehensible piece.
If this is the offer a la carte, we raise the glasses and toast!
Alla Salute!
Liquid flows free on secondary words.
Levels chase each other overlapping each other, events are justified, canceled,
until the next time.
Until the next consumption
Playful it seems the time of the memory from which the deafening seed of the present is born.
The images speak in the silence of the never pronounced words.
The matter of reality.
What happens every day, in front of our closed eyes.
Deafening the ears, reducing the level of consciousness to a single violent and incomprehensible piece.
If this is the offer a la carte, we raise the glasses and toast!
Alla Salute!
PhotoProject Portraits © 2015
EDIZIONI INAUDITE | Collana Gli Irrilevanti © 2015
DVD Limited edition of 5
Semi-Finalist @LosAngeles CineFest
Official Selection for HopeFilmAwards
Semifinalista Cortosplash IV edizione
Carlina on Stage
After Festival
DVD Limited edition of 5
Semi-Finalist @LosAngeles CineFest
Official Selection for HopeFilmAwards
Semifinalista Cortosplash IV edizione
Carlina on Stage
After Festival